What is?


The CDMVE, Jair Ventura Filho Mental and Sports Development Center (Jairzinho) is an institution dedicated to the care of children and adolescents, with the objective of promoting knowledge about the professional and sports universe, based on the vocational issue for the public football schools, public and private schools. Because we believe that all children are entitled to a bright future.

Aiming at a global vision of opportunities in the professional and sports scope, as well as in ethical values ​​and respect for others, we have a team of professionals trained in various areas and the following structure for service at our headquarters.

The CDMVE was organized in a playful way and subdivided with colors in its external and internal parts for better assimilation of its target audience, allowing the opportunity to know all the professions in the world and have free right to exercise them.

In this way, they will reach High School with aplomb and already aware of the advantages and disadvantages of all professions in the labor market. Being aware of the curriculum that they will need to comply with in order to achieve their professional and social goals and succeed in their lives.


Recovering the referenced values ​​motivating young people to broaden their personal and professional perspectives, through welcoming that, in effect, will raise their self-esteem, which will result in an improvement in their performance.

In addition, one of the objectives of CDMVE is to provide lectures and consultations within a pleasant digital platform for the club and for the children and young people who belong to these little schools.


We intend to be the best development center in Latin America, developing work to support young people who will have a better future, through what we will sow along our journey. Always aiming to form citizens and not just athletes.

The structure of sports training today and the “screens” in collective sports have created a number of children and teenagers who, for not being included in these clubs or in these little schools, tend to become vocationally frustrated.

The CDMVE aims for such clubs to show all children and teenagers, even those who will not be included as athletes, that everyone can be great engineers, doctors, ordinary workers. The CDMVE also aims to demonstrate that all professions are important, sampling them digitally or in person at its facilities.

Todos os direitos reservados a CDMVE. 2021