

Conceived in 2015 by Mr. André Redine de Avellar, curator of the CDMVE who introduced equipment such as the “Pluviograph of Fortuna” that produces an artificial rain in a geographic model in risk areas. In this way, with the desired millimeter, it is possible to analyze the corrosion and dissolution of the soil.

Ideal for children to understand the weight of rainwater in these regions and learn about the importance of monitoring the atmospheric elements, and what procedures to be done in case of disasters.

The artificial rain at the CDMVE headquarters is part of the meteorological research system, together with automatic stations and pluviographs, and applications available for the entire population, with regional divisions, on Android and IOS systems.


We research solutions through atmospheric compensations, in addition to having an integrated information system linked to several automatic weather stations, which can monitor pollution, carry out soil corrosion tests, and so on. In this way it is possible to coordinate prevention and, by providing support to governments – since through this system integrating civil defenses and city halls – the population is benefited as a whole, creating the possibility of prevention in relation to natural disasters leading to collector communities manuals.

Visit the website for more information

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